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Join NTEA on their website
NTEA membership is company-based, which means all employees of a your company may be added to the company record and access member benefits. Annual membership dues are determined by membership type and size of operation. NTEA membership means busines...
Source: NTEA
NTEA Annual Work Plan & Goals
Mission - NTEA exists to further the knowledge, growth and profitability of the work truck industry. Vision - NTEA is recognized globally as the undisputed resource and advocate for the North American work truck industry.
Source: NTEA


SFT Webinars: Best Practices of the Top Green Fleets 2021
Please join us on Wednesday, October 21, 2021 for an SFT Webinar session. This session will feature the top Green Fleet Award winners for 2021. You will learn how the fleets were able to get funding for alternative fuel vehicles, as well as the infra...
Source: NAFA


NTEA Member Benefits
NTEA exists to further the knowledge, growth and profitability of the work truck industry. NTEA is recognized globally as the undisputed resource and advocate for the North American work truck industry
Source: NTEA

White Papers

National Renewable Energy Lab Tools_ABurnham.pdf
Source: Green Truck Association
NAFA Media Brochure
NAFA Fleet Management Association Media Brochure
Source: NAFA